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As of 2020, Wonderlic employees can work from wherever they like! Our headquarters in Vernon Hills, IL will serve as a place for local employees to meet up, but being onsite is an option, not a requirement.

Flex Work policy

Corporate Policy

Fully remote
Fully remote

Other information

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We think everyone should have a job they love. As an assessment company, we're driven to help employers find the best possible people for every role and provide insights to candidates that can help them find a job that fits them well. As an employer ourselves, we're just as committed to finding people who can help us grow while doing meaningful work they're proud of. Wonderlic’s progressive company culture is grounded in a thirst for innovative thinking and a sincere respect for diverse perspectives.

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Wonderlic, founded in 1937 by E.F. Wonderlic, offers predictive assessment tools aimed at improving the hiring process, enhancing team performance, and supporting staff development. By providing insights on employee potential, Wonderlic helps HR departments make data-driven decisions, ultimately aiming to maximize fairness and eliminate bias within the workplace. Their influence spans from serving Fortune 100 companies like AT&T to organizations like the U.S. Navy.

This content was generated by A.I. Wonderlic employees can edit to make any changes.